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Ocean of Consciousness!

Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean


One of the profound insights that one begins to get is the way in which 1) the levels of personal consciousness, 2) the stages of the mental process, and 3) the levels of the universe parallel one another. One comes to see that these three are functioning at the same levels of reality, which are none other than the levels of consciousness themselves. It is approximately like this:

Waking = Conscious = Gross = Vaishvaanara (A of OM Mantra)
Dreaming = Unconscious = Subtle = Taijasa (U of OM Mantra)
Deep Sleep = Subconscious = Causal = Prajna (M of OM Mantra)
Turiya = Consciousness Itself, permeating and being All (Silence of OM Mantra)

States of Consciousness

One of the other elegant and awesome insights is the way in which our own personality, mental and emotional processes operate:

Latent impressions begin to stir: We come to see, in direct experience of Yoga Meditation…

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