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Lead Today

Emerson said, ?Every great institution is the lengthened shadow of a single person. An individual?s character determines the character of the organization.? Is your?s the shadow that Emerson was talking about?

If you?re in any leadership position you should know that you cast a large shadow on those who follow you. Your shadow can either shade them from difficulties or make their work environment a very dark place.

It all depends on the level of trust YOU create with your people.

Only 45% of 400 managers in a Carnegie-Mellon survey trusted their top management. A third distrusted their immediate bosses. I truly hope your people trust you but you can?t lead by merely hoping you?re trusted. You must work intentionally, every day, to earn the trust and respect of the people you lead.

That trust can only come from a consistent display of integrity. Your integrity comes from your actions…

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