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One of the issues that many of my coaching clients bring up time and time again is not having enough time.

In terms of leadership and management, not only does poor time management and inability to prioritise impact your career, it also sets a poor example to your team.

When I work with teams on helping them improve performance, one of the main things I see get in the way is the manager’s inability to plan and prioritise effectively.

Here are some of the common symptoms of poor prioritising and time management:

  • Cancelling one-to-one’s with staff
  • Missing a report deadline
  • Catching up on emails in the wee small hours or at weekends
  • Losing temper at the smallest thing
  • Not being approachable, your staff walking on eggshells
  • Running to catch up – always turning up to meetings late
  • Working long hours in order to try and get everything done (but still not…

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